Artwork by Richard García, Todos dejamos huella (2023)

Richard García
Todos dejamos huella, 2023
Acrílico, rotulador, óleo, ceras y spray sobre tabla
170 x 120 cm
about Richard García
Madrid, 1995
Richard García (Madrid, 1995) has traced a remarkable path in the art world since he began his studies in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. Throughout his career, he has reaped numerous successes in art competitions, consolidating a unique style.
His work is distinguished by a creative process rooted in intuition, where he explores superimposition and transparency to challenge and distort reality, creating images that reflect a distorted world between the tangible and the dreamlike. Inspired by urban art, his work reflects a fusion between chaos and harmony, where intuition and chance guide his creative process. In his works, he invites us on his own journey home, highlighting the contrast between the frenetic life of the big city and the serenity of the surrounding nature. Richard García constructs urban scenarios charged with information and texture, capturing the essence and complexity of contemporary life.
Richard García's works
Richard García
Aquel día no encontraba el Sol, 2023
Acrílico, óleo, rotuladores y spray sobre tabla.
120 x 80 cm
Richard García
A contrarreloj, 2024
Acrílico, tintas, rotuladores, ceras y spray sobre tabla.
40 x 35 cm
Richard García
Quiero, quiero, quiero, 2024
Acrílico, tintas, rotuladores, ceras y spray sobre tabla.
80 x 100 cm
Richard García
Verde era el silencio, 2023
Acrílico, rotulador, óleo, ceras y spray sobre tabla
130 x 180 cm
Richard García
Cógeme si puedes, 2024
Acrílico, tintas, rotuladores, ceras y spray sobre tabla.
100 x 80 cm
Richard García
Un nuevo hogar, 2025
Acrílico, óleo, spray y rotulador sobre tabla
170 x 120 cm
Richard García
¿Cuándo, dónde y por qué?, 2024
Acrílico, tintas, rotuladores, ceras y spray sobre tabla.
40 x 35 cm
Richard García
Nunca he escuchado el aullido de un lobo, 2023
Acrílico, óleo y spray sobre tabla
130 x 180 cm
Richard García
Lo mejor es despertarse sin alarma, 2023
Acrílico, óleo,ceras y spray sobre tabla.
120 x 170 cm
Richard García
Hacerse preguntas es vivir, 2024
Acrílico, óleo, ceras y spray sobre tabla.
100 x 140 cm
Richard García
Poco más que añadir, 2024
Acrílico, óleo, ceras, rotuladores y spray sobre tabla.
140 x 100 cm
Richard García
Las luces se apagan, 2023
Acrílico, rotulador, óleo, ceras y spray sobre tabla
170 x 120 cm
Richard García
Tienes muchos pájaros en la cabeza, 2024
Acrílico, ceras, rotuladores y spray sobre tabla.
150 x 135 cm