Xurxo Gómez-Chao, works on sale

Xurxo Gómez-Chao
A Coruña, 1960
In the career of the artist Xurxo Gómez-Chao, stand outs evolution from his beginnings in painting to his last works in which photography has become his fundamental means of expression for his works. The photographer, using elements found in his daily reality manages to create a new and independent work, nature usually acquiring a leading role. Gómez-Chao's work can be defined as multidisciplinary, since it combines photography with other media such as painting, ceramics or video. Duality between the rational and the visceral as well as between the material and the dreamlike, it is also an inherent characteristic of his creative universe.
Gómez-Chao graduated in Fine Arts from the Faculty of San Carlos in Valencia and studied with Pierre Carron at the prestigious Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris. The artist from A Coruña has a long history and is a key exponent of contemporary Galician art with work present in numerous prestigious institutions and collections such as the M. Cristina Masaveu Foundation, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Collection, Abanca Collection, Museum of Fine Arts of A Coruña or the National Library of Madrid among others. He has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions both nationally and internationally.
Artist's works
Xurxo Gómez-Chao
Esa néboa qe cobre o mundo para que poidamos ver os nosos soños, 2020
92 x 150 cm