Artwork by Joaquín Capa, Sin título (1990)

Joaquín Capa | Sin título

Joaquín Capa

Sin título, 1990



50 x 17 cm


about Joaquín Capa

Santander, 1941

studied Philosophy, Architecture and Sociology of Art. The artist Joaquín Capa is a creator of atmospheres, where he introduces informal elements that give movement to his works. From 1972 to 1976 Joaquín Capa resides in Paris, where he manages to attend the famous Atelier 17. There he learns first-hand the new methods of engraving and stamping, especially the new techniques of the use of color in engraving.

Two have been the main artistic guidelines of Capa: the investigative effort and the creative continuity. From the beginning he set the goal of creating a universe dominated by color. Based on a solid and broad cultural base, he has managed to follow a creative path contrary to the fashions and influences of the market. His work can be found in numerous museums and collections, among which are: Cuenca Museum of Abstract Art, Reina Sofía Art Center in Madrid, Santander Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, New York MOMA, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Gulbenkiam Foundation, in Lisbon.

Joaquín Capa's works

Joaquín Capa | Amarillo y siena

Joaquín Capa

Amarillo y siena, 1993


33 x 27 cm


Joaquín Capa | A2 V-I

Joaquín Capa

A2 V-I, 1992


56 x 30 cm


Joaquín Capa | Diagonal gris

Joaquín Capa

Diagonal gris, 1990


38 x 28 cm


Joaquín Capa | Green ligth

Joaquín Capa

Green ligth, 1990


60 x 90 x 0.1 cm


Joaquín Capa | Table Bleu

Joaquín Capa

Table Bleu, 1990


63.5 x 53.5 x 0.1 cm


Joaquín Capa | Oscuro espacio

Joaquín Capa

Oscuro espacio, 1993


48 x 40 cm


Joaquín Capa | Siena blu

Joaquín Capa

Siena blu, 1990


75.5 x 56 cm


Joaquín Capa | Gris naranja

Joaquín Capa

Gris naranja, 1990


39.5 x 47 cm


Joaquín Capa | Negro blu

Joaquín Capa

Negro blu, 1994


33 x 27 cm


Joaquín Capa | Sonidos negros II

Joaquín Capa

Sonidos negros II, 1989

Aguafuerte y punta seca

60 x 79 x 0.1 cm


Joaquín Capa | Dolmen

Joaquín Capa

Dolmen, 1900


63.5 x 53.5 x 0.1 cm


Joaquín Capa | Top red

Joaquín Capa

Top red, 1989

Aguafuerte y aguatinta

90 x 63 cm


Joaquín Capa | V.T.4

Joaquín Capa

V.T.4, 1993

Aguafuerte y collage

48 x 28 cm


Joaquín Capa | Blue Denver

Joaquín Capa

Blue Denver, 1993

Aguafuerte y collage

48 x 40 cm


Joaquín Capa | Sin título

Joaquín Capa

Sin título, 1989

Aguafuerte y punta seca

31 x 23 x 0.2 cm


Joaquín Capa | Pine angle

Joaquín Capa

Pine angle, 1990


75.5 x 56 cm


Featured works

Marta Aguirre | Garden 16

Marta Aguirre

Garden 16, 2023

Acrilico sobre lienzo

50 x 50 cm


Alexander Grahovsky | Mito y mitad todo realidad

Alexander Grahovsky

Mito y mitad todo realidad, 2024

Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo

33 x 41 cm


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  • Location
  • Calle María de Guzman, 61
  • 28003 Madrid, España
  • +34 915 544 810
  • +34 609 40 36 46
  • Dates
  • Monday to Thursday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 16:30 - 19:30
  • Friday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 17:00 - 19:30
  • Saturday
  • 11:00 - 14:00
  • Directors
  • Mariam Alcaraz
  • Alberto Cornejo
  • contact
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