Artwork by Mar Hernández Riquelme, God Save the Queen (2012)

about Mar Hernández Riquelme
Madrid, 1984
The Madrid artist Mar Hernández Riquelme is connected to the Murcia region due to her family origins and to Italy since she carried out a one-year residency at the Spanish Academy in Rome. She is currently one of the artists represented by the Roman White Noise gallery and the Luisa Pita gallery in Santiago de Compostela. She has exhibited individually and collectively in cities such as Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Cartagena, Rome, Lisbon, Utrecht and Beijing.
The plastic work of Mar Hernández has a clear desire to expand in space, transcend the traditional limits of Drawing and renew both its language and its processes. Conceptually she is closely to the Contemporary Ruin, she uses as a starting point to give a new meaning to the traces of the passage of time and to reconstruct an alternative memory of the place.