Artwork by Marta Chirino, Dos pensamientos (2009)

about Marta Chirino
Madrid, 1963
Marta Chirino graduated in Biological Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid, in the Environmental specialty. The artist completes her training with a series of courses at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid, in different drawing academies. Since 1998 she has been an artist botany member of "The Society of Botanical Artists (SBA)" (UK). In 1999 she was awarded the Gold Medal by "The Royal Horticultural Society" of UK (Illustrated Project on the Aquatic Flora of Castilla-La Mancha).
In 2010, Marta Chirino received the "Margaret Stevens Award" and the "SBA, Certificate of Botanical Merit" (Recognitions for her environmental commitment and botanical studies through scientific illustration). Since 1987 she works as a scientific illustrator in research projects aimed at dissemination for the Real Jardín Botánico CSIC of Madrid and for other official organizations. Marta Chirino Argenta has exhibited her artistic work since 2001, individually and collectively. In 2020, the Madrid artist finished illustrating the entire Spanish Aquatic Flora published in two volumes (Vascular Hydrophytes and Helophytes), yielding her drawings to the archives of the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.