Antonio Lorenzo, works on sale

Antonio Lorenzo

Madrid, 1922

The artist Antonio Lorenzo (Madrid, 1922 - 2009) began studying plastic arts with the masters Francisco Esteve Botey and Daniel Vázquez Díaz. Afterwards, his regulated education was carried out between 1939 and 1942 at the Central School of Fine Arts from Madrid. From 1960 on, Antonio Lorenzo became interested in engraving, a technique that was initially unattractive to him due to the disenchantment caused by an artistic education that lacked the necessary practice and, furthermore, was excessively dogmatic in technical and aesthetic concepts. As a reaction, he entered the engraving starting from self-taught positions and enthusiastic about genuine experimentation. The culmination of this era of discoveries resulted in his appointment as head of the ""Group 15"" workshop in 1972, this being a period considered by the author as very fruitful and satisfying, according to his own confession.

The quality of Lorenzo's work was evident early on. In 1960 his works already visited Germany, the United States, Austria and Denmark. Over the last few years, his works have been enjoyed in practically all the major exhibitions and biennials that have been held both nationally and internationally.

Artist's works

Antonio Lorenzo | Sin título

Antonio Lorenzo

Sin título, 1969


72 x 102 cm


Antonio Lorenzo | Oriental

Antonio Lorenzo

Oriental, 1970


40 x 48 cm


Antonio Lorenzo | Sin título

Antonio Lorenzo

Sin título, 2002


75 x 99 cm


Antonio Lorenzo | La Linea Blanca

Antonio Lorenzo

La Linea Blanca, 1981

Mixta sobre madera

63.5 x 82.5 cm


Antonio Lorenzo | Habitantes del espacio

Antonio Lorenzo

Habitantes del espacio, 2002


70 x 100 cm


Antonio Lorenzo | Espectro

Antonio Lorenzo


Espectro, 1984


65 x 50 cm


Antonio Lorenzo | Cabeza verde

Antonio Lorenzo


Cabeza verde, 1990


59 x 79 cm


Featured works

Marta Aguirre | Garden 16

Marta Aguirre

Garden 16, 2023

Acrilico sobre lienzo

50 x 50 cm


Alexander Grahovsky | Mito y mitad todo realidad

Alexander Grahovsky

Mito y mitad todo realidad, 2024

Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo

33 x 41 cm


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  • Location
  • Calle María de Guzman, 61
  • 28003 Madrid, España
  • +34 915 544 810
  • +34 609 40 36 46
  • Dates
  • Monday to Thursday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 16:30 - 19:30
  • Friday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 17:00 - 19:30
  • Saturday
  • 11:00 - 14:00
  • Directors
  • Mariam Alcaraz
  • Alberto Cornejo
  • contact
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