Artwork by Equipo Crónica, Menina abanderada (1974)

Equipo Crónica | Menina abanderada

Equipo Crónica

Menina abanderada, 1974



75.5 x 53 cm

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about Equipo Crónica

Valencia, 1964

Equipo Crónica is a group emerged in Valencia in 1964, with the purpose of renewing the Spanish artistic panorama. The group was born from the theoretical proposals of Tomás Llorens and developed during the last period of Francoism and the transition to democracy. Originally, it was made up of Juan Antonio Toledo, Manuel Valdés and Rafael Solbes.

What most attracts the attention of Equipo Crónica is its way of working. His works, as its name suggests, are made as a team. Solbes and Valdés first reflected on what they proposed and then painted together. They rejected the presuppositions of informalism and abstract expressionism. Equipo Crónica has a critical, reporting or chronic nature of social and political reality. They used images known to all to make paintings, photos, posters or collages, which reflect on pictorial language and genres.

Equipo Crónica It also takes images of the History of Art. Many of his themes are inspired by Spanish painting of the Golden Age, but are inserted in contemporary society. Starting in 1970, the group will undergo an evolution. They will experiment with techniques and resources of Pop Art, such as planes inks, the use of images taken from the mass media and depersonalized drawing. All this, as a criticism of the system and individualism.

Equipo Crónica's works

Equipo Crónica | Alpino

Equipo Crónica


Alpino, 1975


69 x 49 cm


Equipo Crónica | El Caso

Equipo Crónica

El Caso, 1979


32 x 22.5 cm


Equipo Crónica | Serie negra 5

Equipo Crónica


Serie negra 5, 1972


54 x 72.5 cm


Equipo Crónica | Día de lluvia

Equipo Crónica

Día de lluvia, 1981


74 x 55 cm


Equipo Crónica | Carnet de identidad

Equipo Crónica

Carnet de identidad, 1981


112 x 77 cm


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  • Location
  • Calle María de Guzman, 61
  • 28003 Madrid, España
  • +34 915 544 810
  • +34 609 40 36 46
  • Dates
  • Monday to Thursday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 16:30 - 19:30
  • Friday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 17:00 - 19:30
  • Saturday
  • 11:00 - 14:00
  • Directors
  • Mariam Alcaraz
  • Alberto Cornejo
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