Manuel Mediavilla

Manuel Mediavilla | En el bordillo II

Manuel Mediavilla

En el bordillo II, 2018

Bronce, metal y resina

40 x 20 x 42 cm


about Manuel Mediavilla

Málaga, 1972

The artist Manuel Mediavilla holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, specialising in sculpture. The sculptor's work revolves around three recurring elements: the swimmer, alone or accompanied by other swimmers, sea-related elements or animals.

The swimmer is represented in an artificial environment, with planes and surfaces subjected to a strict geometric stylisation that have a double function: structural and allusive. The protagonist of the space is water, which is represented or absent in the compositions where the swimmers are reflected and form part of it.

Other works of the exposition Crossroads

Marta Aguirre | Colour St.

Marta Aguirre

Colour St., 2024

Mixta sobre lienzo

146 x 114 cm


Javier Barco | Blue Green 2024-3

Javier Barco

Blue Green 2024-3, 2024

Oil on board

100 x 100 cm


Teresa Carneiro | Maybe

Teresa Carneiro

Maybe, 2024

Técnica Mixta sobre madera

60 x 60 cm


Alexander Grahovsky | Seis tristes cisnes

Alexander Grahovsky

Seis tristes cisnes, 2024

Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo

130 x 150 cm


Alexander Grahovsky | El club de guardar

Alexander Grahovsky

El club de guardar, 2023

Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo

64 x 54 cm


Marta Sánchez Luengo | Ida II, rojo amplio

Marta Sánchez Luengo

Ida II, rojo amplio, 2024

Relieve en bronce, resina y hierro

45 x 45 x 12 cm


Marta Sánchez Luengo | Ida I, Azul Amplio

Marta Sánchez Luengo

Ida I, Azul Amplio, 2024

Relieve en bronce, resina y hierro

45 x 45 x 12 cm


Alberto Udaeta | 898 Derrelicto II

Alberto Udaeta

898 Derrelicto II, 2019

Grey iron

29 x 36 x 30 cm


Marta Aguirre | Amara

Marta Aguirre

Amara, 2024

Mixta sobre lienzo

92 x 73 cm


Javier Barco | Blue Green 2024-4

Javier Barco

Blue Green 2024-4, 2024

Oil on board

100 x 160 cm


Borja Barrajón | Disposición Lineal

Borja Barrajón

Disposición Lineal, 2022

Alabastro azul

21 x 24 x 20 cm

Leticia Felgueroso | Metrópolis azul

Leticia Felgueroso

Metrópolis azul, 2021

Digital photography

90 x 72 cm


Leticia Felgueroso | Un día tranquilo

Leticia Felgueroso

Un día tranquilo, 2023


50 x 50 cm


Manuel Mediavilla | Fase I: Empoderamiento

Manuel Mediavilla

Fase I: Empoderamiento, 2022

Bronce y hierro lacado

76 x 20 x 20 cm


Marta Sánchez Luengo | Ida II, Dorado

Marta Sánchez Luengo

Ida II, Dorado, 2024

Relieve en bronce, resina y hierro

45 x 45 x 12 cm


Isabela Puga | M_CB_13

Isabela Puga

M_CB_13, 2024

Caseína, cola de conejo y oro 22 quilates sobre madera

120 x 100 x 4 cm


Alberto Udaeta | 919 THE WALL I

Alberto Udaeta

919 THE WALL I, 2020

Grey iron

34 x 37 x 26 cm


Marta Aguirre | Bilma

Marta Aguirre

Bilma, 2024

Mixta sobre lienzo

80 x 80 cm


Marta Aguirre | Agadez

Marta Aguirre

Agadez, 2024

Mixta sobre lienzo

80 x 80 cm


Borja Barrajón | Travesías geométricas

Borja Barrajón

Travesías geométricas, 2023

Alabastro champagne

19 x 27 x 26 cm

Teresa Carneiro | Remember

Teresa Carneiro

Remember, 2024

Técnica Mixta sobre madera

60 x 60 cm


Leticia Felgueroso | Palacio de Cristal Nevado

Leticia Felgueroso

Palacio de Cristal Nevado, 2021

Fotografía y gelatina de plata sobre papel RC

66 x 120 cm


Alexander Grahovsky | Allí un bosque

Alexander Grahovsky

Allí un bosque, 2023

Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo

41 x 33 cm


Marta Sánchez Luengo | Ida I, turquesa abierto

Marta Sánchez Luengo

Ida I, turquesa abierto, 2024

Relieve en bronce, resina y hierro

45 x 45 x 12 cm


Isabela Puga | M_CB_18

Isabela Puga

M_CB_18, 2024

Caseína, cola de conejo y oro 22 quilates sobre madera

180 x 120 x 4 cm


Manuel Mediavilla's works

Manuel Mediavilla | Little show off I

Manuel Mediavilla

Little show off I, 2014

Bronze and iron

50 x 22 x 54 cm


Manuel Mediavilla | Pata de cabra

Manuel Mediavilla

Pata de cabra, 2007

Bronze and iron

60 x 20 x 30 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Niño buzo

Manuel Mediavilla


Niño buzo, 2015

Bronze and iron

12 x 12 x 48 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | BetaBoy

Manuel Mediavilla

BetaBoy, 2018

Bronce, metal y resina

20 x 20 x 45 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Aqua

Manuel Mediavilla

Aqua, 2010

Bronze and iron

68 x 24 x 16 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | ¡Estás sin rematar!

Manuel Mediavilla

¡Estás sin rematar!, 2015

Bronce, metal y resina

40 x 18 x 47 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Narturo

Manuel Mediavilla

Narturo, 2022

Bronce y hierro lacado

20 x 12 x 33 cm


Manuel Mediavilla | Ese I

Manuel Mediavilla

Ese I, 2012


85 x 70 x 20 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Gri-Buzo

Manuel Mediavilla

Gri-Buzo, 2015

Bronce, metal y resina

36 x 22 x 45 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Morralla

Manuel Mediavilla

Morralla, 2018

Bronce, metal y resina

30 x 30 x 35 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Selfie

Manuel Mediavilla

Selfie, 2015

Bronze and iron

30 x 16 x 53 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Zen- Tao I

Manuel Mediavilla

Zen- Tao I, 2013

Bronce, metal y resina

40 x 18 x 40 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Teresa

Manuel Mediavilla

Teresa, 2020

Bronze and iron

46 x 20 x 20 cm


Manuel Mediavilla | Sea lion man

Manuel Mediavilla

Sea lion man, 2018

Bronze and iron

83 x 30 x 40 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Con-tacto

Manuel Mediavilla

Con-tacto, 2010

Bronze and iron

40 x 9 x 25 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | En el bordillo I

Manuel Mediavilla

En el bordillo I, 2018

Bronce, metal y resina

36 x 21 x 51 cm

Manuel Mediavilla | Húndeme si te atreves

Manuel Mediavilla

Húndeme si te atreves, 2021

Bronce y hierro lacado

50 x 20 x 20 cm

Featured works

Alexander Grahovsky | Seis tristes cisnes

Alexander Grahovsky

Seis tristes cisnes, 2024

Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo

130 x 150 cm


Javier Barco | Blue Green 2024-4

Javier Barco

Blue Green 2024-4, 2024

Oil on board

100 x 160 cm


Isabela Puga | M_CB_13

Isabela Puga

M_CB_13, 2024

Caseína, cola de conejo y oro 22 quilates sobre madera

120 x 100 x 4 cm


Marta Aguirre | Colour St.

Marta Aguirre

Colour St., 2024

Mixta sobre lienzo

146 x 114 cm


Leticia Felgueroso | Palacio de Cristal Nevado

Leticia Felgueroso

Palacio de Cristal Nevado, 2021

Fotografía y gelatina de plata sobre papel RC

66 x 120 cm


Teresa Carneiro | Maybe

Teresa Carneiro

Maybe, 2024

Técnica Mixta sobre madera

60 x 60 cm


Marta Sánchez Luengo | Ida II, Dorado

Marta Sánchez Luengo

Ida II, Dorado, 2024

Relieve en bronce, resina y hierro

45 x 45 x 12 cm


Alberto Udaeta | 919 THE WALL I

Alberto Udaeta

919 THE WALL I, 2020

Grey iron

34 x 37 x 26 cm


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  • Location
  • Calle María de Guzman, 61
  • 28003 Madrid ESPAÑA
  • +34 91 554 48 10
  • +34 609 40 36 46
  • Dates
  • Monday to Thursday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 16:30 - 19:30
  • Friday
  • 10:00 - 14:00 y 17:00 - 19:30
  • Saturday
  • 11:00 - 14:00
  • Directors
  • Mariam Alcaraz
  • Alberto Cornejo
  • contact
  • Yes, I have read the, and I consent the processing of my personal data with the purpose of replying to the query I submit through this contact form.
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